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When I was nearing the end of university, I remember feeling really quite depressed. What's next? The graduate job. The car. The house. I was 21 and I already felt like I had peaked.


I also felt like life had been too comfortable. Whilst I grew up on a council estate on the ourskirts of Glasgow and certainly didn't have a super privileged upbringing, I wanted for nothing and life had been pretty easy. There was food on the table, clothes on my back and a roof over my head. But I had this overwhelming urge to find out if I could survive on my own. What would happen if I didn't have my family close by? How would I cope if life dealt me a properly uncomfortable situation and I had only myself to rely upon? Am I capable of more than just existing in the society I was born into?


To find the answers, when I graduated from university I packed my bike into a box and flew to Hanoi, Vietnam. For the next 5 months I cycled through SE Asia covering 5,000km on my own through Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia. These were the days pre iPhone. Before navigation devices. Before wifi. It was just me, my bike and a slightly maverick approach to life. 


For the first time in my life I experienced true discomfort. I got sick. I was hospitalised. I got lost. I had to get over feelings of self-consciousness and experienced a lot of social awkwardness by being the minority. 


In those 5 months my entire perspective of the world, and my future, changed. I turned down the graduate job and I committed to a life on the road. I gave up everything I once knew in search of adventure. 


Over the next 8 years I travelled the world working as an adventure leader, leading thousands of people on the biggest adventures of their lives. I have climbed amazing mountains, cycled across continents, evacuated groups from remote locations in horrendous storms, saved people's lives following terrible accidents and held the hands of people who had a matter of months to live. 


I am now the father of 3 small children and run a creative agency (that's a whole other story) but I am on a mission to not let life and age slow me down and I want you to join me for the ride. 



Giving Back


Cycled 5,000 km through SE Asia unsupported
Cycled 6,000 km around Europe 2008 unsupported

Mt Triglav x 1 
Mt Kilimanjaro x 16
Sahara Desert x 21

Mt Toubkal x 2
Everest Base Camp x 4
Island Peak x 1
Inca Trail x 18
Coast to Coast Mexico Bike x 6
London to Paris x 57
Iceland trek x 2

London to Paris in 24 hours (on a mountain bike)
Nepal Pokhara Trek x 5
China Great Wall trek x 12
Trans Central America Bike Ride x 3 (Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica)

Cuba TreK x 2
Trans Alps Bike x 15
Paris to Nice Bike x 2
Egypt Multi Activity Challenge 
Kenya to Tanzania Bike Ride
Mt Meru x 2
Vietnam Bike x 4
Cambodia Bike x 4

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